The Tech Prep vision is supported by partnerships that align resources and expertise. Ohio College Tech Prep is jointly managed by the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Career-Technical Education. Tech Prep provides support to Ohio schools and businesses in connecting students with high quality career pathways that include work-based learning, internships, state recognized pre-apprenticeships and providing students with opportunities to earn college credit.
The Northwest Regional Tech Prep Center goals include:
Apollo JVSD
Sandusky City SD
Four County JVSD
Sylvania City SD
Lima City SD
Toledo City SD
Millstream Tech Center
Tri-Star Career Compact
Oregon City SD
Vanguard-Sentinel JVSD
Penta County JVSD
Vantage JVSD
Washington Local SD
Bowling Green State University-Firelands
Rhodes State College
Northwest State Community College
Owens Community College
Terra State Community College
University of Toledo
The Northwest Regional Center does not discrimnate on the basis of race, color, national origin,sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.