Course assessment items (questions, activities, and project ideas) are aligned to the specific Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels of rigor for the course competencies. Implementing the assessment items or similarly created assessment items at the specific DOK levels of rigor for the course competencies will ultimately impact student learning in your class and increase performance on your WebXam test. If you would like more information regarding how to create your own assessment items for a course, please contact Christi Kerns, Penta Career Center,740-646-3962.
Computer Hardware 145025
Toward the bottom of the page are links to the documents and videos for creating secondary courses and matches. There are two under documents, and two under videos. All four are currently identified as "NEW."
*Computer Software (145030) and Computer Hardware (145025)
*Computer Software (145030) and Networking Operating Systems (145040)
*Creating and Editing Digital Graphics (145100)
*Cybersecurity Defense and Reinforcement
*Digital Print Design (340320)
*Interactive Application Development (145125)
*Multimedia and Image Management Techniques (145105)
*Network Operating Systems (145040)
*Networking (145035) and Network Management (145045)
*Object Oriented Programming (145065)
*CTIT002 Networking/CompTIA Network
*CTIT005 Introduction to Desktop Operating Systems
*CTIT006 Introduction to User Support
**CTIT007 Cisco I: CCNA 1 Introduction to Networks
**CTIT008 Cisco II: CCNA 2 Routing and Switching Essentials
**CTIT009 Cisco III: CCNA 3 Scaling Networks
** CTIT010 Cisco IV: CCNA 4 Connecting Networks
Certificate of Affirmation
Full Faculty Review